Friday, May 10, 2013

Talking to Brady

This little guy doesn't say much.  He says "mom" A LOT!  He says no, shoe, hi, bye, dad, Parker and Madilyn (but I am not even sure how he says the names, but we always know when he is??).  I have decided (because I like to think so) that those who are late talkers have angels with them longer/closer.  A friend of mine shared that thought with me the other day and since I had thought the same thing, I have decided it is true.  I like to believe Ethan is coaching him right along....this could be good and bad.  However, as I think about that it makes me want to share with Brady all about his older brother.  But, whenever I talk about Ethan sincerely and more than a minute, I cry.  So, as I rock Brady in the evenings before I lay him down to sleep, I tell him about Ethan and I cry.  I let him know how much Ethan would just love to be here and running around with him.  Ethan would just love to have the little tag-along.  Ethan loved his little cousins, and I bet it would be the same with Brady.  Ethan would just love him too much.  Brady usually falls asleep as I am talking, but I love sharing these memories and thoughts.  It helps me to continue to talk about Ethan because as time goes by its seems even less real that he was really here.  We get so used to the here and now, that sometimes remembering that crazy kid gets a little harder.  But, when I find those memories, I feel the pain, literally.  I miss that kid!  I still wish he was here with Brady and we could raise all four together.  I am still sad quite a bit, but I hide it more.  I find that more and more around me just don't understand.  They think it's weird or somehow I haven't moved along enough.  I will just have my private moments with my family and cherish them!  Another note:  If Ethan is coaching Brady right along, then he's doing a great job because Brady is the best little baby-almost-2-year-old!

1 comment:

  1. I think you just get through it, not over it. It's forever changed the person you are and your family. You're amazing people!
