Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Kid's Reactions

I have to tell this story because it was funny, a little mean, and quite an eye-opener.  Marcus decided he wanted to play an April Fool's Day joke on our kids.  He couldn't come up with too much in 30 seconds so this is what he decided:

I recently got a new job as a Principal of a Jr. High/High School.  It is a little bit of a commute, so moving has been a question.

Marcus and I played this up by saying, "Should we tell them now?  Now would be a good time."  We said these statements to each other as the kids were eating breakfast.  They, of course, looked up and asked, 'What?"  Marcus proceeded to tell them that my school was insisting that we had to move across town next week.  They would no longer pay for my car and gas, but we had to move.  The school isn't built yet so Parker will have to go to Marcos de Niza Jr. High (not a real Jr. High), but only for a couple of months.  Marcus would have to quit his job so we could relocate.  Because of this there would be no money.  We would have to live in an apartment and probably sell all our electronics (ipads, phones, etc).

In the meantime, I am laughing so hard I am trying to pretend I am crying to not give up the fact that the kids were believing this. Marcus was saying this with so much truth--he is a very good actor. We are certainly not well off, but I couldn't believe they were believing every crazy thing Marcus came up with.  Madilyn was so concerned for me and my "crying" that she was comforting me.  Parker just said, "Whatever we have to do..."

Marcus really was looking for a reaction that he wasn't getting.  He kept going.  Not only we were going to live in an apartment, but it was too small so the kids would have to live next door to us in their own apartment.  I was going to have to sell half my wardrobe.  They might have to sell their beds and their clothes if we needed money.  We have never been in a position where we have "sold stuff" for money??  I still cannot understand how they thought this was real.

When I couldn't hold my laughter any longer I said, "Wow!  Honey, this sounds like something that couldn't be real."  He responded with "It is April 1st."  Parker and Madilyn laughed and thought it was a good one :)  However, Madilyn was not happy with me and wouldn't let me hug her after she had comforted me and told me it would be okay.

In telling my sister this story she thought we were a little mean.  In retrospect it was a bit mean, but hilarious because they ate it up.  Yet, eye-opening because these kids didn't flinch for a second.  They comforted us, they confirmed they would do what they had to.  They basically were saying, "Okay we can do it, whatever it takes."  Marcus and I were more amazed by these kids and how the DIDN'T react at all like we thought they would.

We have great kids.  We know it.  We hope they forgive us for being mean some day.  But, I don't think they will believe a word Marcus says again.


  1. That is SO funny.... And Awesome at the same time. Your kids are amazing! Thats a testament to the AWESOME parents they have. Great Job!

  2. I love it! Prepared for anything. So great! Long live April Fools jokes.

  3. That must have been some really great acting! And I love the fact that they were ready to do whatever it took. That speaks volumes about their parents and about their character.

  4. You are doing good work for you family i like, i also want to create one blog for my family also
