Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's the Small Things

I am going to be honest.  I am not a cook.  Never have been, and probably never will be.  I do make a couple of things that are pretty yummy.  For one, I love my taco salad. And, for anyone that knows me, you know I like anything that has to do with a taco (for the most part).  My parents trained me on this since I was about five.  Since I was five my family had tacos (with flour tortillas, so some would call it a burrito) every Sunday.  My parents decided this because it was one meal everyone was happy with.  Friends from my high school years all know that we had tacos every Sunday.  We were sort of known for that.  Unfortunately, my husband isn't as fond of that tradition.  So, I have to mix up the days we have them on, and it can't always just be tacos.  Frustrating, but you have to give and take, right?

Well, last night I made taco salad.  It was no big deal, fairly selfish actually because I wanted it and didn't care who else did.  My husband made my night because after he served himself he said, "Wow!  Did you cut the lettuce like this?  I love it!"  You would've thought it was Christmas morning with how excited he was about my lettuce cutting.  Yep, I cut the romaine lettuce in strips.  It was tough.  But, it was definitely worth it for the praise I got.

Poor husband of mine is probably just giving me great positive feedback so I cook more.  Good thing he loves me.  It's definitely the small little praise that made my night.

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