It's summertime. This means, I need activities for my children.
This week Parker has been gone, so I have Madilyn to "entertain" since Brady isn't much of a playmate. As I have scheduled her activities, I realize I have made them during Brady's naptime.
Today I was "thinking" Brady would sleep during the movie time at a friends. Nope. Just was crabby the whole time!
For those who know Brady, know he is not a crabby kid. However, he has been crabby since 6 am this morning! And he now, because we did this "movie" has not slept.
Why???? Why do I do that to myself?
Now, I'm having a hard time liking him.
Well then it's a good thing Spencer wasn't in the mix! We really do need to get together soon. Just not during nap time :)